
Safe use of centrifuge


Safe use of centrifuge

2018-10-12 11:09:18 点击量:

Centrifuges belong to dynamic equipment. and the application environment has high risk. Therefore the operation and maintenance of centrifuges must be carried out in accordance with the specifications to ensure the safety of their use. 
◆ Centrifuge safety management personnel should have received relevant professional technical training.  And Professional knowledge of safe operation and preventive measures.
◆ Centrifuge operators should receive centrifuge operation, maintenance training , skilled in centrifuge operation and use of technology. Use and maintain the machine correctly according to the instructions provided by the manufacturer. 
◆ The centrifuge should be checked regularly to ensure that the function of the centrifuge, important parts and safety protective devices are in normal working condition.  Especially the drum, scraper, distributing disk and other components should be inspected not less than once a month to confirm its fastening state, corrosion status, welding position, surface anticorrosive coating is in normal condition.  and good inspection records should be made.
◆ Small, medium and heavy repair cycle plans shall be prepared and implemented strictly for the centrifuge.
◆ Operation personnel shall not operate savagely (E. g., excessive speed, overload operation centrifuge, shovel material during high speed rotation, overload operation; “ Safety lock pin is not locked or not all of the lock when opening; maintenance did not enable safety measures, etc. ) or self-refit (for example removing vibration protection, opening cover protection etc. ). 
◆ The operators should take necessary measures (such as emergency stop etc.) when they discover the abnormal conditions.  Reboot only after confirmation of safety
◆ Necessary safety precautions (check mark, power lock, safety lock pin etc.) should be taken when adjusting, maintaining (such as filter screen, filter cloth etc.) or troubleshooting.
◆ It should be replaced or repaired in time when centrifuge drum, spindle and other important parts of corrosion, wear or centrifuge vibration abnormal.  do not use surface repair and other unsafe emergency measures such as welding.
◆ The integrity of the centrifuge shall be guaranteed.  without the permission of the machine manufacturer to remove it at will, to change the parts / components or to add or subtract accessories

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